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Scientific Afternoon Meetings

Scientific afternoon meetings (SAM) are 5x or 6x a year.

All PhD-candidates should attend these meetings as part of their PhD-training, also when the subject of the presentations is not related to your own work. 

During the SAM, you can present your research to fellow PhD-candidates, supervisors and other interested researchers. The presentation can be used to share results, to practice a presentation for another conference (for example, an IADR meeting), or to share preliminary research plans. Every PhD-candidate has to give a presentation, at least once, during their PhD-trajectory.  

To give every researcher the possibility to visit the SAM's, they take place on different days of the week and times of the day. Meetings in the late afternoon (finishing at 5 pm) will be followed by afternoon drinks in the ACTA atrium.

Research Institute

ACTA t.a.v. Directeur Onderzoek

Location: 6N-18
Gustav Mahlerlaan 3004
1081LA Amsterdam


Portrait Cees Kleverlaan