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Paediatric Dentistry

This graduation profile is one of the 5 graduation profiles within ACTA's postgraduate master's programme in Oral Health Sciences.

The department of Paediatric Dentistry at ACTA has been offering a postgraduate programme since 1999 and has been accredited by the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD). Profile director Dr. Clarissa Calil Bonifácio is supported by specialists in Paediatric Dentistry who work part-time at ACTA. Every year 3-5 postgraduate students are carefully selected for the 3-year full-time Paediatric Dentistry graduation profile. The graduation profile of Paediatric Dentistry was added one year after the start of the programme, in 2016. The aim of this graduation profile is to train dentists at a specialist level in the field of Paediatric Dentistry. The Paediatric Dentistry programme contains a highly integrated selection of courses and emphasises the development of a strong basic scientific background together with clinical skills focused on preventive and therapeutic care of children from birth to adolescence.

Outline of the programme

The theoretical part of the programme is composed of weekly courses, lectures, tutorials and seminars, which include an extensive review of the literature. In addition, the students receive an extensive clinical training focused on applying treatment modalities for the management of oral problems in children referred by general practitioners. Besides differencing between age appropriate behaviour and developmental disturbances, the clinical training is also composed of internships in centres for the treatment of patients with special needs, as well a training at a paediatric hospital, and several specialist dental care clinics. Research training within the field of Paediatric Dentistry is also part of the programme. At the end of the 3rd year, students present the results of their individual research projects in a written report which is suitable for publication in an international peer-reviewed journal. The goal of the entire programme is to prepare motivated dentists for a career in a multitude of areas, including clinical practice, teaching and research.


All Oral Health Sciences students are conferred a joint master’s degree in Oral Health Sciences by both the University of Amsterdam and VU Amsterdam, which specifies the chosen graduation profile. Additionally, Paediatric Dentistry graduates are eligible for 'specialist in paediatric dentistry' member status from the European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) and will be recognized as paediatric dentist by the Dutch Association of Paediatric Dentistry (NVvK).

Paediatric Dentistry


Portrait Clarissa Bonifacio